Churchyard Clearing

St Mary's Church, Bitton Church Road, Bitton, Bristol, United Kingdom

Over the last few months, a small group of volunteers have helped to clear the churchyard around St Mary's Church.  It has had a big impact already, but there is more that could be done to remove brambles and lift some of the trees to improve the look and enjoyment of this public place. We...

Coronation Village Photograph

Churchyard of St Mary's Church, Bitton

A commemoration photograph will be taken.  All Bitton Village is invited

The Queen’s Green Canopy

Churchyard of St Mary's Church, Bitton

A short prayer to commemorate HM Queen Elizabeth II around the two recently planted trees as part of the Queen's Green Canopy.


The Poundfirld, Golden Valley Lane, Bitton

BIG LUNCH IN THE PARK Celebrate the King's Coronation with a Big Lunch in the Poundfield, starting at 12noon with live music starting at 2pm. Music includes: Bits 'n' Pieces - Iron Overload - Jazzbeanz - St Mary's Minstrels FREE ENTRY - BRING YOUR OWN FOOD AND DRINK - NO BARBECUES OR PARKING ON THE...

Churchyard Tidying

St Mary's Church, Bitton Church Road, Bitton, Bristol, United Kingdom

As part of today's BIG HELP OUT, could you spare a couple of hours to help tidy the churchyard? Over the past few months, volunteers have made a significant impact on the churchyard claering bramble and overgrowth.

Place Names, Professor Coates

All welcome.  You do not need to be a member to attend. Professor Coates will help us understand the history and meaning behind local and national place names. We know that there are Old English origins in the name of Bitton. Many of our other local place-names are of great interest. Professor Coates will help...