News & Focal Point

Church and Community news
Including this month's PRIZE QUIZ and solutions to PUZZLES
Focal Point Archive

Easter at St Mary’s


Information about services, including baptism and weddings, home groups, prayer and discipleship.


Inspiring and supporting local groups and activities and working to be a focus for everyone in the community


A rich history with nearly two millennia of stories. Discover the past of this church.


Looking to the future to make St Mary's a thriving hub for the community, and able to meet the challenges to come.

Help to conserve and clean the walls

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Mission Statement

A very warm welcome to St Mary’s, Bitton. We are a Christian church in the heart of a village, seeking to support and serve the local community in the surrounding area.

We believe that we are all on a journey of faith, and all are welcome here, no matter what stage of that journey we have reached. We aim to be outward-looking, to be involved in the local community and to support and serve in the community wherever we can. We are a group of ordinary people who seek to follow Jesus Christ; we meet together to worship God and to encourage and support each other to grow in faith. We understand that different people have different reasons for coming to church; we respect these differences and are committed to welcoming but not overwhelming, and being sensitive to people’s needs.

Rt Rev Vivienne Faul, Bishop of Bristol and Rev Jeremy Andrew, Vicar of Bitton November 2021
Bitton Churches Magazine

Upcoming Church & Community Events

Coffee Morning

St Mary's Church, Bitton Church Road, Bitton, Bristol, United Kingdom